Thirty Hungarian and Greek students and five teachers met in Thessaloniki from 14 to 21 March 2015. Students worked very well all together and they had a wonderful time during this week.
A Greek Student΄s Diary from Thessaloniki
Saturday 14th March

Sunday 15th March
Although tired of the previous
night we woke up early and started the trip to the archaeological site of
Vergina. There we saw the tombs and we had a guided tour through which we learned
much information about the ancient Macedonia. At midday we went to Agios
Nikolas in Naousa where we had lunch in a traditional tavern. After that we
went to the city of Veria for coffee and then we returned back to Thessaloniki.
In the evening most of the students went down town.
Monday 16th March

Tuesday 17th March

Wednesday 18th March
After finishing our workshops at
school, we watched a presentation in the chemistry lab, named “A travel into
the Universe, to know the mysteries and the beauties of it”, by “The friends of
Astronomy club of Thessaloniki”. By the end of the presentation we had an one-hour
break, and right after that we hopped on the local bus of the line 14 to get to
the city center, to visit the famous landmark of Thessaloniki, the “White
Tower”. After our guided tour in the tower, we had lunch. Our evening was
supposed to be continued with a boat trip in the city bay, but unfortunately
that was cancelled, due to the bad weather.
Thursday 19th March

Friday 20th March
Today it was our trip to the “NOESIS
Thessaloniki Science Center & Technology Museum”, where we had a guided
tour about “Ancient Greek Technology”, “Classic Automobiles” and “The
Technopark hands-on Area”. Right after that we presented once again our
products to an English lesson at school. Then we had to write down the
evaluation of the whole exchange programme, which was continued by a coffee
break. Further up to our guide tour at NOESIS, we had an amazing projection
about the galaxies, stars and planets in the Digital Planetarium , named
“Miracles in the Universe” , and a second projection about insects, this time
in the 3D Giant Screen Cinema room, named “Bugs 3D: Adventure in the tropical
forest”. The whole experience was completely majestic! Right after the end of
our tour guide, at three o’clock, we returned to school and everybody went home
to have some lunch. In the afternoon we had our last visit in the city center,
where we spent the whole evening strolling around till late.
Saturday 21th March
This was the worst day of the
week, the separation day, the day when the Comenius 2014-2015 programme was
finally over. We went to Thessaloniki airport to bid farewell to the Hungarian
Video with students interviews
Video from national evening
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